

Baby’s Name Painting Activity

DIY Baby Name Painting

Obviously I love painting and I am itching to get Jordan started on some art projects. But since he’s not quite ready to yield a paintbrush yet, we came up with this fun and easy activity. It’s mess-free and perfect…

Spring Cleaning Art Sale!

It’s that time of the year again to clean up and organize, and the art studio is no exception! I have a ton of overstocked art including prints, canvases, and mugs that I need to clear out- and what better…

Yoga Inspired Art Collection

I’m excited to share with you my newest collection of artwork inspired by yoga! I’ve been practicing yoga for about 10 years now and I absolutely love it! Not only do I love the physical benefits of increased strength and…

Can a Song change your life?

I was perusing Reddit recently when someone on r/davematthewsband asked “What’s your favorite lyric(s) and why?” My mind immediately went to the lyrics from You Never Know: Don’t lose the dreams inside your head They’ll only be there til you’re…

DIY Mini Zen Garden Tutorial

Hi! If you’re visiting this page from Pintrest or another blog, unfortunately my blog was hacked and I lost all my content (more on that here). I’m working on slowly rebuilding the site, but until then my Mini Zen Garden…